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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 81-85


T. N. Popovskaya1, L. G. Raskin2, О. V. Seraya2


1Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

2National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic institute", Ukraine

Article title

Information technology of diagnostic — medical expert systems

Abstract (resume)

It was described the traditional methods of systems state estimation. Basic lack of these methods was marked: the system joint data processing about all controllable parameters is absent. The structure of expert systems (ES), principles of construction of the logic conclusion mechanism (LCM) was analyzed. It was shown, that ES with rule-based LCM can be used only with a small number of controllable parameters. As alternative, ES was examined with Bayes's LCM. It was offered combined LCM, using rulebased and Bayes's principles. Directions of the further researches were formulated.


state estimation, system data processing, diagnostic expert systems, logic conclusion mechanism, Bayes's logic conclusion mechanism


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