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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 6, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 166-173


K. P. Vorobyov


The state institution "Lugansk State medical university", chair of anesthesiology, resuscitation and urgent cases, Ukraine

Article title

Recommendations about representation of results of clinical researches in dissertations and journal publications. A part 1. Substantive provisions

Abstract (resume)

The basic purpose of recommendations is a working out of mechanisms of counteraction to the phenomena of scientific misconduct in a clinical science at level of the governmental organizations of Ukraine. The basic international recommendations about a format of the clinical publication on which basis it is offered to create corresponding national recommendations are presented. The basic problems of a modern clinical science is: infringement of ethical principles of clinical research, concealment of the conflict of interests in clinical research, a deceit and falsification of materials of research, quality of planning of research from the point of view of clinical epidemiology, distribution of the author's contribution to research, quality of the statistical analysis of results of research. The attention to a priority of ethical principles of clinical research and competence of the researcher is paid. Infringement of ethics of clinical research and its poor-quality organization are sources of regular errors in clinical research which cannot be corrected application of the qualitative statistical analysis. The structure of the future recommendations is in summary presented.


format of the scientific publication, clinical science, malpractice of scientific researches


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