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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 102-107


M. N. Nessonova1, M. L. Kochina2


1National Pharmaceutical University Kharkiv, Ukraine

2Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post Grade Education, Ukraine

Article title

Applying results of the information technology for grade of severity estimation and clinical outcome prediction in a case of pancreas trauma

Abstract (resume)

There results of applying of the information technology, developed by the authors, to estimate patients' grade of severity and to predict clinical outcome in a case of pancreas injury, are described in the paper. Mathematical models and classification algorithms to evaluate grade of severity and clinical outcome are given. Comparative analysis of precision, specificity and sensitivity of the models developed and the discriminant functions analysis, logit-regression and decision trees models is produced. It is shown that the methods based on the information technology developed take the priority of the common mathematical-statistical modeling methods.


grade of severity estimation, clinical outcome prediction, supervised classification, composition of classifiers, information technology, predictive mathematical models, precision, specificity and sensitivity of forecasting methods


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