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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 74–80


O. I. Osokina, V. A. Abramov, G. G. Putyatin, S. G. Pyrkov, E. M. Vygovskaya, E. M. Denisov, O. N. Golodenko


M. Gorky Donetsk national medical university, Ukraine

Article title

Prediction the efficiency of existential-personal rehabilitation in patients with manifestation of schizophrenia

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The onset of schizophrenia is a crisis situation for the person. During this period become significant existential parameters of person's existence, affected concepts of life and death, freedom and isolation, meaning and meaninglessness, modified system of values and life goals. This task is designed existential-personal rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia, the aim of which is the personal recovery of these patients.

Purpose. According to the study of 237 patients with manifestation of schizophrenia there were constructed a mathematical model for predicting one-year efficiency of the existential-personal rehabilitation.

Results and discussion. According to the study of 237 patients with manifestation of schizophrenia there were constructed a mathematical model for predicting one-year efficiency of existential-personal rehabilitation. Of the 107 analyzed indicators there were allocated two factorial signs determining outcome of the disease ("especially of the medical and rehabilitation tactics", and "the clinical status of the patient at discharge from acute psychiatric hospital"), based on which the model was built (the sensitivity of the model 73, 1% (95% CI 53, 8%–88, 7%), specificity — 78, 9% (95% CI 72, 3%–84, 8%)). The risk of inefficiency of existential-personal rehabilitation was also increased (p = 0, 003) in one year with a continuation of the residual positive, negative (positive + negative) symptoms or presence of non-specific symptoms, OR = 57, 2 (95% CI 7, 5–435) compared with complete relief of positive symptoms or persistence of affective symptoms.

Conclusion. Thus, there were allocated three factorial signs determining one-year efficiency of existential-personal rehabilitation: "especially of the medical and rehabilitation tactics" and "the clinical status of the patient at discharge from acute psychiatric hospital", based on which the mathematical model was built. The model had proved its efficiency.


Manifestation of schizophrenia, Existential-personal rehabilitation, The forecasting mathematical model


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