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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 11, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 91–97


T. V. Kolesnik


SE "Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine"

Article title

Latest information technology operational analysis and modeling as a tool improve diagnosis of arterial hypertension chronobiological features

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The diagnostic potential of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) can be expanded through the introduction of advanced information technologies aimed directly at the systematic processing of monitoring data using modern mathematical methods of investigation of dynamic systems and the identification of new, more informative indicators.

Objective: To evaluate the variability of blood pressure according to BPM with the dynamic properties of short-term fluctuations, and to determine the severity of the hypertension using the latest information technology.

Material and methods. A SMAD 321 patients with essential hypertension (EH) II stage of the definition of the classic indicators of circadian blood pressure profile. ABPM results processed by a specially created information technology, based on the sharing of polynomial splines, Markov processes, and artificial neural networks.

Results of the study. The suggested information technology allows by sharing polynomial splines, Markov processes, and artificial neural networks fundamentally new way to assess the variability in blood pressure because of its dynamic properties and to determine the severity of the GB. This technology evaluation of ABPM enables a whole new level to identify and analyze hidden patterns chronobiological features of AD, which significantly expands the diagnostic capabilities and allows you to select options as relatively favorable or extremely unfavorable course of the disease.


hypertension, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, blood pressure variability, Markov's processes, artificial neural network.


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