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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 13, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 19–27


Yu. Bataeva2, V. Kirichenko1, T. Kulbashevskaya1, V. Sergeev1


1National Aerospace University "KhAI", Kharkiv

2National Medical University "KhNMU", Kharkiv

Article title

Evaluation of endothelial function by the rheographic data

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The problem of endothelial function evaluating is currently very relevant, but the most widely used and recommended methods for this are not satisfactory, due to the complexity of the techniques and the low accuracy of the results obtained.

Objective. Consideration of the possibilities of endothelial function evaluating by the rheographic data using, selection and justification of information parameters, analysis of the main sources of errors in the proposed method, and finding ways to minimize their influence.

Results of the research. A non-invasive method for endothelial function evaluating using rheographic data is proposed. The choice of the recorded rheograms information parameters is substantiated, the relationships determining the changes in the diameter of the arterial vessel in the reactive hyperemia test and the nitroglycerin test are substantiated, allowing the use of the database of the results obtained for the D. Celermajer method. The analysis of the errors main sources in the endothelial function evaluation according to the proposed method is made and the ways of minimizing their influence are suggested.

Conclusions. To simplify the procedure for conducting the study and to improve the accuracy of the FE assessment, it is necessary to move on to the use of rheographic data. The rheographic method of FE estimation allows neutralizing all identified sources of error in the D. Celermajer method, and in methods using data on changes in the velocity of pulse wave propagation in arterial vessels during corresponding functional tests


endothelial function evaluation, rheographic data, sources of error, D. Celermajer method, pulse wave propagation velocity


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