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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 13, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 108–115


V. Y. Tseluyko


Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Article title

Implementation of information and educational web-technologies of education in the system of postgraduate education

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The development of the medical education system requires teachers of educational institutions to study and implement new teaching methods, including information and educational web technologies, with the help of which it is possible to ensure the continuous professional development of medical workers.

Objective. To study the priority directions of informational and educational web technologies based on the assessment of modern experience in introducing the latest web technologies in medical postgraduate education.

Results. Analysis of recent research and publications shows the widespread use of information and educational web technologies in training. The problems of introducing innovative forms of education in higher education into the educational process are devoted to the publication of both domestic and foreign authors. The introduction of information and educational technologies in medical education can be implemented using the sites of clinical departments with an open web environment, a closed web space. The open web environment of the site of the clinical department may contain publicly available information (schedule, clinical guidelines, general information on the department, blog, information on specific topics, information for patients). The closed web environment provides access to educational materials only after authorization and can be represented by a learning management system, which is a mandatory component of education, both full-time education (interns, clinical interns, graduate students) and mixed (trainees of advanced training or specialization the possibility of continuous access), remote (students of advanced training courses) with the possibility of continuous access to educational materials (video lectures, presentations, The images — ECG archive, testing, clinical cases).

Conclusion. The article reveals the need for widespread introduction of information and educational web technologies in medical education, in particular postgraduate medical training. Analyzed the current experience of the organization of the educational process using innovative technologies. The advantages of using a learning management system in postgraduate medical education are discussed. The advantages of introducing information-educational web technologies and a case-based learning method based on innovative technologies in medical education are revealed.


Continuous professional development of the doctor, Informational and educational web technologies, Case study method, Medical education, Modernization of postgraduate medical education, Postgraduate medical education


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