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Content and Abstracts vol.3 iss.4 2006



State Program of healthcare informatization, 2007–2010 (Project)

Original Articles

Health information systems
Microsoft Corporation (USA)
Your health — our care. Improvement of healthcare with the help of the newest information technologies. A part 2.

Medical smart-cards
Gottfried T.W. Dietzel
The Action Programme Information Society Germany 2006 and the Healthcare Reform: Modernizing Healthcare in Germany by Introducing the eHealthcard.

Computer technics and health of users

Sanitary-and-hygienic problems applications of computer technics
M. L. Kochina, E. N. Budjanskaya, I. A. Ishkova, A. V. Javorsky, E. P. Zavalnya, M. I. Kovtun, V. A. Gromov, N. G. Lobortas.
The results of mydriacyl use for preventive maintenance of computer visual syndrome at young users.

Information technologies in clinical neurophysiology

Quantitative EEG/EP (qEEG/qEP)
O. Yu. Mayorov, V. N. Fenchenko
About the evaluation of the deterministic chaos parameters at bioelectric activity research of the brain (EEG).

Heart rate variability (HRV)
R. M. Baevsky
Estimation and forecasting of the human health state in long term space flights. Modern condition and prospects.
T. Mironova, V. Mironov, A.Turin
Role of autonomic nervous system in acute myocardial infarction forming.
Ingegard E. Malmros, (Stockholm, Sweden)
Heart rate variability in gaming — methods and preliminary results (Варіабельність серцевого ритму в процесі гри – методи та попередні результати)

Information technologies in clinical practice

Intellectual diagnostic systems for microbiology
M. Kats, S. Dercach, O. Davidenco, A. Nosatenco, I. Krilova, A. Bocharov
Use of information technologies for identification of microorganisms.

Screening systems in psychiatry
Subhagata Chattopadhyay (Kharagpur, India)
A сomputerized tool for screening of adult psychiatric illnesses: a third-world perspective (Комп'ютерний інструмент для скринінгу психічних захворювань дорослих: перспективи третього світу)

A. V. Arsenyev, I. S. Grytsenko, V. A. Zhuk, Ju. M. Penkin
Modern trends in pharmacoinformatic

Information technologies in medical education
A. P. Chuprikov, Rita Zaltsman
Best practice: West–East (Germany–Ukraine) cooperation in cross-cultural e-learning communities.

Problems of healthcare informatization

Debatable club
M. V. Golubchikov
Information technology in medical statistics

In memory about Suren A. Gasparyan

The legislation

DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE № 1497/2005 About prime tasks on implementation of the newest information technologies.
DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE № 1694/2005 About urgent measures on reforming of healthcare system.

Certification of scientific staff in the field of medical informatics
The list of organization on the speciality 14.03.11 — "Medical and biological Informatics and Cybernetics" (medical and biologically sciences).


Оleg Yu. Mayorov — anniversary
Wladimir Wertelecki — anniversary

Scientific Societies of Medical Informatics

The Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine (UACM)

Medical Informatics, Events, Conferences

World Congress Medinfo-2007, Australia.
Dr. Gottfried Dietzel has been awarded the 2005 DROPS Award for outstanding achievement.
Calendar of Conferences, Congresses on 2006–2007.
International Conference "Computer Medicine'2007" "IT in reforming healthcare".

New books

New books on medical informatics, statistics and epidemiology, diagnostics computer methods.


International Conference Computer Medicine'2005 "Electronic Health (eHealth)". A part 2.
The author's index of theses Conference "Computer Medicine'2005". Part 1&2.